About Us

This is a multi-disciplinary library serving the faculty, students, researchers, and staff of the university. It also offers external membership services for corporate organizations, institutions, individual executives, and researchers with certain conditions. The library has a rich and diverse collection of materials, especially in terms of breadth and depth of coverage. The collection is ideally suited to encourage and support both scholarly pursuits and practical research activities. The library has established its reputation in the country by providing excellent services and facilities to fulfill the information needs of its clients. It uses state-of-the-art technology and systems. The library has an extensive collection of over 300,000 printed and 240,000+ online books, 40,000 journals, and 3200 other materials, including audio, videos, CD-ROMs, DVDs, etc. The library is manned by qualified and experienced professionals, all dedicated to providing high-quality, innovative services.

Our mission is to excel in supporting the academic and scholarly endeavors of our users, in their core instructional and research requirements by utilizing the best possible resources, systems, and services.