Dictionaries, Thesauri, etc
- Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Ed. allows regular and wildcard searching, so you can find all the words ending in a given suffix.
- Your Dictionary.com (A Web of Online Dictionaries) provides links to more than 400 dictionaries in more than 130 different languages.
- OneLook Dictionaries is the best place to look up a word or term in an Internet dictionary or glossary. Free search access to a frequently updated database of words, terms, names, acronyms vs Internet links to on-line dictionaries or glossaries.
- Dictionary.com is a free online dictionary, thesaurus, translator, word of the day, crossword puzzles and word games, and vocabulary learning resources for many languages.
- Bartleby.com is an online publication of The American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition. Featuring 70,000 audio word pronunciations, 900 full-page illustrations and over 10,000 new words and senses.
- Webster Thesaurus online version of the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
- Thesaurus.com is the online version of Roget's Thesaurus of English words and phrases.
- Webster Gateway provides a hypertext point-and-click interface for accessing various dictionary services on the Internet.
- VoiceNation List of Online Dictionaries, Thesauri, Acronyms and Encyclopedias and More!
- English Dictionary (Encarta World English Dictionary)
- English Dictionary (Merriam-Webster)
- English-German (LEO)
- English-Greek (Perseus)
- English-Greek (University of Chicago)
- English-Spanish (Universidad de Granada)
- Multi-Language Dictionary (Allwords)
- Multi-Language Dictionary Search Engine (OneLook)
- More Online Dictionaries (yourDictionary.com)
- Acronym Finder
- Acronyms - Medical (Medilexicon)
- Anagrams Database (Wordsmith.org)
- Business (Washington Post Business Glossary)
- Computer Technology Dictionary (Webopedia)
- Computing - Other Dictionaries
- Idioms Dictionary (Cambridge)
- Legal Dictionary (FindLaw)
- Legal Glossary (Nolo)
- Phrase Finder - English Phrase Meanings and Origins
- Rhyming Dictionary
- Sign Language Dictionary
- Sign Language Dictionaries - Links
- Symbols Dictionary
- Many More Links to Specialized Dictionaries (yourDictionary.com)
Look inside the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
How to use your dictionary to build your vocabulary