Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
Call Number:
KIC 338.52 R215A 2023
x, 305 pages : illustrations, graphs, some charts ; 23 cm.
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business, and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This Advanced Introduction explores strategies of pricing products (goods and services) that can be employed by a firm. The analytical techniques and data necessary for implementing the pricing strategies are described in an easy-to-understand manner, along with examples. Pricing strategies covered include cost-plus, reference value pricing, product line pricing, pricing product bundles, pricing over time, pricing under competition, and subscription pricing.

Verlag, Bielefeld : Transcript, 2016.
Call Number:
KIC 331.1173 B711 2016
231 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 23 cm.
Parallel to the abolition of Atlantic slavery, new forms of indentured labour stilled global capitalism's need for cheap, disposable labour. The famous 'coolie trade' - mainly Asian labourers transferred to French and British islands in the Indian Ocean, Australia, Indonesia, South Africa, the Caribbean, the Americas, as well as to Portuguese colonies in Africa - was one of the largest migration movements in global history. Indentured contract workers are perhaps the most revealing example of bonded labour in the grey area between the poles of chattel slavery and 'free' wage labour. This interdisciplinary volume addresses historically and regionally specific cases of bonded labour relations from the 18th century to sponsorship systems in the Arab Gulf States today.-- Provided by Publisher

Economics in America :an immigrant economist explores the land of inequality /by Angus Deaton.Publisher:
Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2024.
Call Number:
KIC 339.220973 D285E 2024
xiii, 271 pages ; 22 cm.
When economist Angus Deaton immigrated to the United States from Britain in the early 1980s, he was awed by America’s strengths and shocked by the extraordinary gaps he witnessed between people. Economics in America explains in clear terms how the field of economics addresses the most pressing issues of our time—from poverty, retirement, and the minimum wage to the ravages of the nation’s uniquely disastrous health care system—and narrates Deaton’s account of his experiences as a naturalized US citizen and academic economist. Deaton is witty and pulls no punches. In this incisive, candid, and funny book, he describes the everyday lives of working economists, recounting the triumphs as well as the disasters, and tells the inside story of the Nobel Prize in economics and the journey that led him to Stockholm to receive one. He discusses the ongoing tensions between economics and politics—and the extent to which economics has any content beyond the political prejudices of economists—and reflects on whether economists bear at least some responsibility for the growing despair and rising populism in America. Blending rare personal insights with illuminating perspectives on the social challenges that confront us today, Deaton offers a disarmingly frank critique of his own profession while shining a light on his adopted country’s policy accomplishments and failures.

New Delhi, India : LeftWord, 2020.
Call Number:
KIC 335.43 A289N 2020
220 pages ; 22 cm.
"Two features characterize the entire body of Aijaz Ahmad's work,which offers us a way to read the history of the present. First, his evident wide reading about the history and sociology of the world,which allows him to provide the necessary global context for his study and for our new times that remain tied to the contradictions of a longer history. Second, his grip on Marxism, a living Marxism, a Marxism that has absorbed both the streams of Western Marxism and of national liberation Marxism. Vijay Prashad writes that it is impossible for him to think without thinking alongside the work of Aijaz Ahmad. In this fascinating and wide-ranging conversation, he draws outAhmad, separating and interweaving strands of his thought, and in the process inviting us, the readers, to take a look at the method that drives his analysis. In the process, we learn to think through the present, better."-- Publisher marketing.

Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : Harvard University Press, 2021.
Call Number:
KIC 338.88954 R149T 2021
291 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Tata is one of the world's most diversified companies, selling everything from salt to software. Mircea Raianu charts Tata's 150-year trajectory, through the eras of imperial free trade, protectionist nationalism, and market liberalization and asks what the future has in store for India's leading brand and for capitalism writ large.