
This anthology covers 25 years of database research spanning 1975-1999. It is a digital library for the database systems research community developed by ACM SIGMOD in cooperation with the VLDB Endowment, the IEEE TC on Data Engineering, and the EDBT Endowment. The bibliographic information of ACM SIGMOD Anthology is integrated into the DBLP Bibliography.

IEEE Signal Processing eLibrary (SPeL) - is a collection of documents from among the periodicals and technical meeting proceedings published under IEEE Signal Processing Society - SPS, the period 1950-2001. It contains about 238,000 pages of more than 44,800 documents. The whole library compressed on two DVDs.

PC-TAS contains five-year time series of foreign trade (import/export) statistics extracted from the COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSTAT), which covers over 90% of world trade. The data provides an overview of actual import and export values, quantities and trends broken down by country of origin or destination, for each product. It contains foreign trade data covering 200 countries and territories broken down into 3,800 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) products viewable at the 1-, 4- or 5-digit level or 5,300 Harmonized System (HS revision 0) products viewable at the 2- and 6-digit level.

Published annually by the World Bank since 1978, is a mine of information on the economic and social state of the world today. This omnibus CD-ROM edition includes all reports from 1978 through 2003, fully indexed and cross-referenced. Designed for ease of speed of use, this edition uses a complete text indexing. Multiple volumes of text are turned into a single powerful resource database, which can be used as an encyclopedic reference tool by professionals and students alike.