Individual Workstations

BPO has been a premier source of business information for more than 30 years. The database contains full text and abstracts of major business journals that help researchers track business conditions, trends, management techniques, corporate strategies, and industry-specific topics worldwide.

It covers the entire AIR Supreme Court on one disk. It facilitates to search by statute, by nominal, by page number, by name of Judges and even by combination of any of these. In addition you have specially customized search - search by cases referred.

Econlit is a comprehensive, indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature, produced by the American Economic Association. It includes coverage of over 400 major journals as well as articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, book reviews, dissertations, and working papers licensed from the Cambridge University Press Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics.

The must reference and research tool.

Ultimate research and reference source, provides access to more than 60,000 up-to-date articles, easy to use search tools, hundreds of videos, photos, animations, maps, audios, and interactive timelines, web center with thousands of web links, sidebars, and more.

It brings the full text in the paged format so that the law practitioners able to get contents of a specific page from AIR books (Indian High Court and Cri.L.J. section) in the electronic format. It also refers to the Indian High Court Act under which the Case has been decided with all the modifications in the acts and sections on year-by-year basis.

LEOS (Lasers and Electro-Optics Society) CD-ROM journal collection includes the 1999 issues of the Journal of Quantum Electronics, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Photonics Technology Letters, and the LEOS Newsletter. Also included is a cumulative index for 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 including title, author, and abstract.

It provides abstracts (not full text) from approximately 900 journals and yearbooks in the fields of political science, international relations, public administration, and public law from 1989 to date. The database is updated four times a year.

Jamal's Yellow Pages (JYP) is a complete up-to-date source of information on all sorts of business activities operating in Pakistan. With a very intuitive and easy to use interface, the software helps in getting business addresses and contacts in a flash. Not only this, JYP serves as direct marketing agent as well, with full facility to export data to different other formats.

National Trade Data Bank (NTDB) surveys the economic and demographic conditions of over 250 countries using the central intelligence agency World Factbook. It reviews market research reports from U.S. foreign commercial service and gets exchange and interest rate data from Federal Reserve Board. It also includes the census data on Merchandise Trade Exports and Imports. NTDB spots trends and identify markets, the data is arrayed two ways: by country of origin or destination for each commodity, listed by 10-digit harmonized system code, and by top 100 commodities traded with each country. It also gives the Foreign Traders Index.

PC-TAS contains five-year time series of foreign trade (import/export) statistics extracted from the COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSTAT), which covers over 90% of world trade. The data provides an overview of actual import and export values, quantities and trends broken down by country of origin or destination, for each product. It contains foreign trade data covering 200 countries and territories broken down into 3,800 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC revision 3) products viewable at the 1-, 4- or 5-digit level or 5,300 Harmonized System (HS revision 0) products viewable at the 2- and 6-digit level.

This database contains time series data starting with 1981 to the latest available year for approximately 102 countries. The data are arranged according to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) at the 4-digit level, which provides for the inclusion of 81 industries in the manufacturing sector. Information is presented by country, year, and industry. Each of the following items is covered: number of establishments, employment, wages and salaries, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation, and number of female employees. The data are originally stored in national currency values at current process. The system allows for data conversion from national currency into current U.S. dollars using the average period exchange rates as given in the International Financial Statistics (IFS).

Provides access to historical database of the companies' published accounts, including half-yearly, since as far back as 1990. The database carries historical stock price, trading volume, summary of the director's report, name of the auditors, CEO, principal products, etc. We receive weekly updates. VISTA enables the analyst to perform, in a windows based and user-friendly environment, a comprehensive analysis on fundamentals of a company, in relation to other companies in the sector. One could analyze various sectors also, on a wide variety of parameters and ratios.

Contains statistical data for the 138 countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. The database covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, and key debt ratios as well as average terms of new commitments, currency composition of long-term debt, debt restructuring, and scheduled debt service projections. Data selection screens are intuitive and easy to use. Results can be scaled, indexed against a particular year, viewed by percentage change, and charted. Data can also be exported in standard formats.

A comprehensive database for the analysis of the competitiveness of nations. It is based on the official UN international trade statistics, using the 4-digit SITC. It covers the period 1985-2000 for all exporter countries in the world. Around the central concept of "market share," TradeCAN offers novel indicators of the quality, structure and performance of international trade specialization of nations. TradeCAN 2002 has a user-friendly interface that allows rapid data retrieval and easy report preparation.

Includes World Bank data for over 200 countries, more than 700 time series on national accounts, balance of payments, trade, external debt and finance, social and natural resources, including the current Social Indicators of Development, World Tables, and World Debt Tables. National Accounts data from 1960 and Social Indicators from 1965 reminder from 1970 through the most recent estimates.

World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. It is a collection of statistical data and commentary. It focuses on people, economy, environment, states and markets, and global links. The CD-ROM contains a database of more than 550 indicators selected from a time series database of 40 years and 208 countries, where data is available. It also contains full text of WDI book. The data can be exported in several formats. WDI 2003 has new user friendly interface.

Contain information collected by the World Bank from its developing country members related to the Bank funded projects. WDS CD-ROMs also include economic and sector papers that provide the macro and sectoral background to a country. Specific types of documents are: Economic Reports and Sector Reports, Staff Appraisal Reports and Project Appraisal Reports, Technical Annexes, Global Environment Facility Project Documents, Operations Evaluation Department (OED) Reviews & Studies, OED Impact Evaluation Reports.